Hui Waʻa Kaukahi

Nui a lehulehu na mokupuni, ʻaʻole lawa ka manawa

So many islands, so little time!

Kayakers with raised paddles

Upcoming Events

/ #1 Easy Glider
Goat Island (Moku'auia)
Malaekahana State Recreation Area
Park in the day-use area of Mālaekahana State Park (see map) and meet on the beach at 10:00 AM for a day of paddling, fishing and surfing around the park & island. Bring lunch or…
Sun, 19 Jan,  10:00 AM
confirmation_number Free
Windward Community College
Windward Community College Hale Kuhina 114 At our first combined club and board meeting Chuck and Jeanie Ehrhorn will present a blast from the past, a kayak expedition along the Hamakua coast of the Big…
Tue, 21 Jan,  07:00 PM – 09:00 PM
/ #2 Intermediate
Keehi Lagoon to Ewa Beach
Ke‘ehi Lagoon
This one has a looong carpool…Meet at “Alan’s Ramp” at 7:30, carpool leaves at 8:00. Launch upon return (about 9:00?). Bring life vest, sunscreen, and extra water. – 7.5 mi. Landing location at Puuloa Beach…
Sun, 26 Jan,  07:30 AM
confirmation_number Free
Magic Island Canoe Ramp
Join us for a casual roundtrip paddle from Magic Island to Waikiki and back. A limited number of loaner kayaks will be available for this event. Contact the paddle leader to reserve one. After the…
Sun, 02 Feb,  08:30 AM
confirmation_number Free
/ #2 Intermediate
Superbowl Surf Clinic
Kailua Boat Ramp
Surfers meet at the Kailua Boat Ramp for an 8:30 AM surf clinic. Surfing not required, but those so inclined will get basic surf instruction and then practice with other experienced kayak surfers. Everyone meets…
Sun, 09 Feb,  08:30 AM
confirmation_number Free

Because of liability concerns, our paddles are for Hui and ACA members only. Non-members are however welcome to tag along as “guests” but they will be required to read and sign our Hui and ACA waivers, and pay a $10 ACA event membership fee, before they can go. The same is true for club members who are not ACA members. Guests can download the ACA adult waiver.


  • Remembering Ed
    Long-time club member and my good friend Edmund (Ed) Rhinelander passed away suddenly and unexpectedly on December 16, 2024 on the eve of the club Christmas party. The shocking news of his death spread quickly through the club as he was well loved and admired by many.
  • Lake Wilson 2025
    Lake Wilson is known for freshwater sport fishing. I highly recommend this paddle and won’t wait an entire year to do this again. Why? Cuz I caught a Tucunare!
  • Christmas Party 2024
    Event organizer Eileen directed her elves to transform the almost 100-year-old HTMC clubhouse into a festive setting for all to enjoy. Kimberly directed the “white elephant like” gift exchange where stealing was allowed and, in fact, encouraged. No one came to blows.
  • Up the Creek Meet & Greet
    I traveled back in time to when the native Hawaiians lived here centuries ago, growing taro and ʻuala (sweet potato). I could picture them fishing for oʻopu in the stream and bay, as well as in the surrounding fishponds. I could envision the taro terraces, stone walls and ancient footpaths that still mark the landscape today. The stream served the ancient Hawaiians as a source of fresh water and a pathway connecting the mauka to the makai.
  • Around Ka‘ena Point
    Stan scanned the wave swells behind me and told us to hold on tight. After a swell or two, he yells to Sandy ahead of us to, “GO! GO!” Stan and I waited another 15 seconds. He turns to me, “You go! GO!” We all churned that ocean to safety.

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