Hui Waʻa Kaukahi

Nui a lehulehu na mokupuni, ʻaʻole lawa ka manawa

So many islands, so little time!

Superbowl Surf Clinic
09 Feb 08:30 AM

Superbowl Surf Clinic

Kailua Boat Ramp

Surfers meet at the Kailua Boat Ramp for an 8:30 AM surf clinic. Surfing not required, but those so inclined will get basic surf instruction and then practice with other experienced kayak surfers. Everyone meets back on the Mokes for lunch. If you don’t have a good surf boat, contact the leader in advance about borrowing one. No carpool. – 3.5 mi.

Look Who's Coming
12 confirmed so far.
01 chevron_right Steve Harris
02 chevron_right Denny C
03 chevron_right Nikko TC
04 chevron_right Kevin Ching
05 chevron_right Sandy Johnson
06 chevron_right Kim Vanderlinden
07 chevron_right Carolyn Corley
08 chevron_right Mark Ling
09 chevron_right Rob Murphy
10 chevron_right —-
11 chevron_right Marie Stuart
12 chevron_right William Murphy
This event has ended