Hui Waʻa Kaukahi

Nui a lehulehu na mokupuni, ʻaʻole lawa ka manawa

So many islands, so little time!

Kayak bow points to a group paddling on Lake Wilson

Lake Wilson 2024

Story from Facebook posts. Edited by Terry Shimabukuro.

January 7, 2024

Lovely day to go out and paddle Lake Wilson. Thanks for leading the way Veep Bill Murphy…we had 11 boats join us this morning, no one pulled out a pole to catch fish but I had good luck snagging a Werner Skagit paddle that was left on shore with no boat in the vicinity and a hula hoop. And a good time was to be had by all.

Nikko Tiahrt-Conrad

THANKS William Murphy for another successful paddle around Lake Wilson. 1st time for me. Nobody went fishing, just exploring 🙂

Most interesting was seeing a $100,000 Bass boat. Saddest thing was a smallish cat drinking from the water 😢

Bert Wong