Story by Sandy Johnson
Photos by Terry Shimabukuro except as noted
September 22, 2024
The Autumnal Equinox on September 22 brought good weather to fulfill my quest to mark another paddle off my list, leaving just one more to complete my circumnavigation of O‘ahu. The Nimitz to Tracks paddle had been postponed a couple times due to unfriendly weather and I asked if it could be rescheduled just five days before. The usual suspects were game: President Steve, Vice President Bill, Webmaster Terry, and Faithful Leader of Many Paddles Stan D.

There was an intermittent shore break, so I watched Steve and Bill go out and waited for a lull. Bill got washed back in a couple times, but when I saw my chance I took off and kept going, thinking surely everyone would follow soon. I looked back occasionally, seeing no one near me, and finally got word over the radio that the waves had it out for Bill that day. He gave up a good fight after awhile (half an hour? More?) and swam to shore, leaving the other guys to get his boat onto the beach. Later Bill said, “Now I know why when those shipwrecked folks drag up the beach (they) just lay there.” Terry generously volunteered to forgo the paddle himself to drive Bill to the landing spot where his car was. (Note: in this situation, if the paddler is unharmed, the person with a car at the start could offer their keys and go on with the paddle to meet at the end.)

So that was one version of the paddle. Mine was much better because after waiting quite some time out there (I had forgotten my phone in my car, so had no way to tell time or take photos), Stan caught up to me with Steve not far behind after he untangled his fishing line. The wind was at our backs and the waves were avoidable.

It just goes to show you that one woman’s “easy” paddle is another man’s struggle for survival. The last paddle I need to finish my circumnavigation leaves from Mālaekahana, where I once crashed and burned and have been afraid to try again for several years, so I am waiting for good weather and to feel strong enough to brave it. When that happens, there will be champagne!