Hui Wa'a Kaukahi

Nui a lehulehu na mokupuni, 'a'ole lawa ka manawa

So many islands, so little time!

Papio Kayak Fishing Tournament

The HWK Papio Fishing Tournament returns where the goal is to catch a big, but not too big fish. We reserved the small group campsite at Kualoa Regional Park for two days of kayak fishing. Don’t want to fish? That’s OK, club members are welcome to pitch their tents next to the fishermen for the weekend.

RSVP Now Free 14 spots left

Turtletown Tour

While the fishermen try to reel in a big papio, non-fishing club members can take an EZ Glider roundtrip cruise to visit Turtletown in the patch reefs of Kaneohe Bay. A high concentration of honu inhabit these reefs and we hope to snorkel respectfully with them.

RSVP Now Free 17 spots left

Double Roughwater Swim

Club members volunteer as safety escorts for the 7 km (4.33 mi) 40th Annual Hawaiian Looong Distance Invitational Rough-H2O Swim. Swimmer will be assigned to escort several days in advance. Escorts stay with swimmer until they complete the course. Course: Kaimana Beach start, Outrigger Canoe Club channel out to a turn buoy then “straight” down, […]

Ka‘ena Point

This is one paddle where the carpool can take longer than the paddle. We’ll launch from Runway Beach at the end of the Dillingham Airfield, go around the point and land at Keawa‘ula Beach (Yokohama).

RSVP Now Free 9 spots left

October Club Meeting

Discussion of past and upcoming paddles and club business. Location TBD.

Annual Paddle Scheduling Meeting

The club brain trust will gather to schedule all club events for next year. All paddle leaders and event coordinators should attend. All club members are welcome to contribute to the planning too.

Clean the Stream

Kahana Stream brush clearing party: bring kayaks plus saws, shears, machetes, first-aid kits, etc to the Ahupua‘a o Kahana State Park mauka parking lot

RSVP Now Free 10 spots left

Up the Creek Meet & Greet

At our last Meet & Greet event for the year we will take a jungle cruise up the Kahana stream. This is an ideal beginner’s paddle in a narrow, gentle stream. We welcome non-members on this paddle. A limited number of loaner kayaks will be available for this special event.

RSVP Now Free 20 spots left

Ke‘ehi Islets Tour

This round trip EZ Glider meanders thru the mangroves and channels of Ke‘ehi Lagoon to a lunch/snack spot on Mokuoeo.

RSVP Now Free 20 spots left

November Club Meeting

Discussion of past and upcoming paddles and club business.

Kaiaka Bay & Streams

A mostly freshwater round trip EZ Glider exploring Ki‘iki‘i and Paukauila Streams.

RSVP Now Free 20 spots left