Story by Marie Stuart
Photos by Marie Stuart except as noted
January 12, 2025
The moon was full, the water was dark.
A perfect time for the paddle to start!
Terry gave a shout; I gave a cheer!
11 hopeful kayakers gathered near.

By the Hale He‘eia Kea, on the beach
With the sandbar still out of reach,

Lights were lit, and put on the yaks,
Ben took the lead, Bill had our backs!

Norm cruised ahead in his motorboat
A guiding light! Such a GOAT!
The breeze was brisk, the current strong,
The paddle about a mile long.

Sandbar reached; kayaks tethered
We milled about, and snacked unfettered!

Saturn was bright, so were the stars,
Stan and Christine tried to find Mars!

The breeze picked up, a chill in the air.
We shivered in our PFDs pretending not to care!
The moon was high, the water dark
Time to head back to where we parked

The breeze was brisker, the current stronger,
Making the way back seem even longer.
I went off course, I started to stray
Into the mysterious boat anchored in the bay!
The current pulled, but I made it out!
Paddling with such a team, there was never any doubt!

The paddle was over! It was a blast!
People lingering to make the moment last.
The moon was high, the water was dark
A perfect paddle from the start!
I gave a shout! I gave a cheer!
Hui Wa‘a Kaukahi will do this next year!